Baykeeper Updates Related to Fish and Marine Life

Blog Post: November 12, 2018
Healthy levels of fresh water are vital for San Francisco Bay and the San Joaquin-Sacramento River Delta. Without sufficient flows through these waterways, toxic algae spread, fish die, and pollutants accumulate. Lack of healthy flows are already resulting in record low numbers of native fish like...
Column: February 1, 2018
Compared to some of our wild neighbors around the Bay Area, we’re all newbies to California. Sturgeon have swum in our local waters for more than 2 million years. These giant fish can grow even larger than San Francisco Bay’s biggest mammal, the sea lion. But because sturgeon stay far underwater...
Featured Stories: September 6, 2012
One fish has lights on its stomach and wakes up houseboaters. Another gets a crab to give it dinner and a worm to build its house. They’re among the more than 35 species of native fish that depend on San Francisco Bay. During early summer, the sleep of Sausalito houseboaters can be disturbed by the...
Column: September 1, 2012
One fish has lights on its stomach and wakes up houseboaters. Another gets a crab to give it dinner and a worm to build its house. They’re among the more than 35 species of native fish that depend on San Francisco Bay. During early summer, the sleep of Sausalito houseboaters can be disturbed by the...
Blog Post: May 24, 2011
New guidelines were released yesterday for safely eating fish caught in San Francisco Bay. The Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) has released an updated health advisory and safe eating guidelines for fish and shellfish caught from the Bay. This advisory replaces guidelines...
Press Release: April 16, 2008
A federal judge has invalidated a water plan that would have allowed more pumping from the San Francisco Bay Delta at the expense of five species of protected salmon and steelhead trout. Fishing and conservation groups and a California tribe called the ruling a victory for the millions of...


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