Take Action to Protect the Bay’s White Sturgeon
Illustration by Fiorella Ikeue in collaboration with Baykeeper

Take Action to Protect the Bay’s White Sturgeon

California’s white sturgeon is the continent’s largest and oldest freshwater fish, having swum in Pacific Coast rivers and streams for 46 million years. But now, this ancient fish is facing multiple existential threats. Excessive water diversions from Central Valley rivers, harmful algae blooms, and overfishing are pushing white sturgeon to the brink.

Meanwhile, California's Department of Fish and Wildlife and the agencies responsible for maintaining Bay-Delta water quality, are making decisions that further harm the white sturgeon.

So Baykeeper and our coalition partners are working to ensure that California white sturgeon receive the protections they need to survive.

Act now! Sign the letter below to urge the CA Fish & Game Commission to list California’s white sturgeon as threatened under the California Endangered Species Act—and ensure this iconic Bay fish is protected in the years to come

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