A Friendly Way to Remind Neighbors to Conserve Water

Jun 30, 2015

When water’s being wasted, Baykeeper’s friendly reminder is a way to take action.

Sejal Choksi-Chugh, Baykeeper Executive Director, [email protected], 510-735-9700 Ext. 107 (office), 925-330-7757 (mobile)

(SAN FRANCISCO, CA) What can you do if you see a lawn sprinkler going full blast, with water running into the street? Or a garden hose gushing water with no one around?  Now, there’s a friendly way to remind neighbors about the need to conserve water during California’s fourth year of severe drought.

Baykeeper has created a friendly water conservation reminder note that lets Bay Area residents take action, politely, when they see water being wasted.

The friendly water conservation reminder has options for asking neighbors to conserve water in ways that include re-positioning sprinklers to prevent water from running into the street, turning sprinklers off when it’s raining, and sweeping instead of hosing down the driveway.

“People have heard we’re in a serious drought, but sometimes it’s hard for us to realize that our actions at home can have a big impact,” said Sejal Choksi-Chugh, Baykeeper Executive Director.  “Baykeeper hopes this note can spark neighborly conversations, inspire residents to help raise awareness, and encourage everyone to do more to conserve water.”

Here’s how Bay Area residents can take action:

  • Download a friendly water conservation reminder at baykeeper.org.
  • Fill it out and attach it to your neighbor’s mailbox, front door, or their car windshield.

“Data shows that many Bay Area households are still consuming hundreds of gallons of water per person each day.  So it’s clear that more can be done to conserve water.  By raising awareness and taking small steps to reduce water use at home, we will make a difference,” said Choksi-Chugh.

A copy of the friendly conservation reminder note is attached and it can be viewed or downloaded here.

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