Catherine's BayKeeper Swim

Growing up the Bay has always been like a second home, from sailing on it as a child to now being a member of the Dolphin Club and swimming in it every chance I get. My favorite view of San Francisco is sitting at the opening during sunrise on a clear day and feeling like I am the only person awake (minus all the other DC and SERC members :) ) It is a place I hold dear to my heart and want to support in taking care of it and keeping it clean for the generations to come!
Goal $200.00
100% towards our goal
$235.00 raised
I am very excited to participate in my first Bay Keeper swim and to join all the other swimmers, kayakers, rowers, and volunteers as we come together to support keeping the Bay clean. Thank you for donating!
Join us to hold polluters accountable and defend the Bay DONATE NOW >