Be a Hero - Take Action for the Bay today!

Our Mighty Collaboration with Hip Hop for Change

If not you, then who? If not now, then when?
- RyanNicole, artist Small but Mighty

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You can help protect San Francisco Bay and the communities that rely on a safe environment free from pollution. Here are some actions you can take right now for the Bay and your community:

Take Action for the Bay & Bay Area Communities
Take Action to Protect the Bay’s White Sturgeon

California’s white sturgeon is the continent’s largest and oldest freshwater fish, having swum in Pacific Coast rivers and streams for 46 million years. But now, this ancient fish is facing multiple...

Do the Right Thing, Sunnyvale and Mountain View

Over several years, Baykeeper’s field team sampled the stormwater runoff coming off the streets of Sunnyvale and Mountain View. We found that the cities’ runoff contained levels of E. coli bacteria...

Stop Newsom's deadly Delta tunnel project

It’s sad to say, but it looks like Governor Newsom has a death wish for San Francisco Bay, and complete disregard for Tribal communities and communities who depend on a healthy Bay. His...

Tell Mayor Breed: Invest in Solutions to Prevent Harmful Algae Blooms & Fish Kills

In 2022, a large harmful algae bloom that grew to cover vast portions of San Francisco Bay caused alarming fish kills across the region. And last year, the bloom returned.  Algae thrive...

Stop the Oakland Coal Terminal

Developers want to build a massive coal export terminal in Oakland, right at the foot of the Bay Bridge. Coal dust is toxic, containing heavy metals, arsenic, and other harmful chemicals. The...

Get Updates from Baykeeper

Baykeeper uses science, on-the-water patrols, and the law to hold polluters accountable. Use the form below to sign up for updates about water quality issues across the Bay Area, Baykeeper's legal...

In partnership with RyanNicole and Hip Hop for Change and made possible in part by a grant from The Creative Work Fund, a program of the Walter and Elise Haas Fund that also is supported by The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation.

Join us to hold polluters accountable and defend the Bay DONATE NOW >