URGENT: We're ready to fight for the Bay—are you?

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About Us

Baykeeper Defends San Francisco Bay and its watershed from the biggest threats.

We hold polluters and government agencies accountable to create healthier communities and help wildlife thrive.

Learn More About Our Mission

Our Team

Baykeeper’s staff defends the Bay using science, policy, and law.

Headshot of Sejal Choksi-Chugh
Sejal Choksi-Chugh

Executive Director

Jon Rosenfield headshot
Jon Rosenfield

Science Director

Headshot of Nicole Sasaki with Bay in background
Nicole Sasaki

Staff Attorney

Meet our Staff

Our Boat & Skippers

The Baykeeper boat regularly patrols the Bay for polluters with our experienced volunteer skippers at the helm. We are the only organization that patrols the Bay to find and stop pollution.

Headshot of Robert Fairbank
Robert Fairbank

Head Skipper

Baykeeper boat on the Bay with Alcatraz in the background
Our Boat

Osprey and Falcon

Patrol Drones

Meet our Skippers

Our Volunteer Leaders

Our Board of Directors, Leadership Circle, and Advisory Board are passionate leaders for protecting San Francisco Bay.

David Jedrzejek


Evan Dreyer


Headshot of Sandra Stewart
Sandra Stewart


Meet our Board

Our Partners

Baykeeper’s impact relies on collaboration with community members, environmental advocates, scientists, researchers, and outreach partners.

Annual Reports & Financials

Baykeeper’s high-impact results and cost-saving efficiencies are highlighted in our annual reports, audited financial statements, and IRS forms 990.

Check out the full reports

Media Center

Baykeeper’s scientists, lawyers, and policy advocates can be reached anytime to speak about the threats to San Francisco Bay and how we hold polluters accountable. Members of the media may also request to join a pollution patrol to see firsthand how Baykeeper works to defend the Bay.

Learn more