URGENT: We're ready to fight for the Bay—are you?

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Fighting for Community Justice


Baykeeper has a long history of supporting communities fighting for environmental health and advancing equity around the Bay Area.

Working Together to Stop  Existing Coal Exports

With a diverse coalition of community and public health groups, and nonprofit partners like Sierra Club, we successfully won a ban that will end toxic coal storage in Richmond.

Joining Forces to Prevent New Coal Expansion

Developers are threatening to build a massive new coal export terminal in West Oakland. We’re standing alongside community partners, Earthjustice, and city officials in court to block this dangerous project.

Investigating Community Tips

After Richmond community members alerted us to an oil spill at Chevron’s long wharf, we conducted a rapid drone investigation and documented more than 700 gallons of diesel mixture in the Bay. Now we’re joining community activists and city officials to demand stronger safeguards.

Holding a Longstanding Polluter Responsible

For decades, Schnitzer Steel’s auto-shredding operations have released heavy metals and other toxic pollution into the Bay and nearby neighborhoods. So we’ve joined the Oakland A’s, Communities for a Better Environment, NRDC, and other partners to get this polluter to change course.

Funding Grassroots Partners Through Legal Action

As part of our settlement agreements against industrial polluters, we’ve required companies to pay more than $12 million (and counting!) to make up for their past pollution. These payments are typically directed through a Baykeeper sponsored fund at the Rose foundation for Communities & the Environment to support projects to restore sensitive Bay habitat, train youth to be environmental stewards, daylight local creeks, protect subsistence fishers, and more.

take Action

Stop Coal Train Pollution

Coal dust is incredibly toxic. It pollutes people, wildlife, and the environment.

But the federal government allows uncovered coal trains to travel all over the country, spilling thousands of pounds of coal dust into the air, soil, and water.

Act now to stop the pollution. Join a growing movement to protect people and the environment from coal dust here in the Bay Area and across the US. When you sign on, we’ll fight on your behalf to get the government to stop pollution from coal trains.

Do you believe people and the Bay should be safe from coal pollution? Sign your name!

Learn more about our Community Justice Work

Aerial view of rice fields

Metal shavings in a pile on a tarp