URGENT: We're ready to fight for the Bay—are you?

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Vote Yes on Measure AA June 7

Baykeeper recommends a Yes vote on Measure AA in the California primary election on June 7.

Measure AA provides funds to:

  • Restore San Francisco Bay wetlands
  • Reduce trash and other pollution in the Bay
  • Protect shoreline communities from future flooding
  • Increase trails and parks along the Bay shoreline

San Francisco Bay’s ecosystem and shoreline communities face a serious threat from rising sea levels caused by global climate change. The Bay has also lost most of the wetlands that could provide natural flood protection and filtering of pollutants. The majority of Measure AA funds will be used to restore 35,000 acres of Bay wetlands. This will improve habitat for fish, birds, and other wildlife, and help protect shoreline communities from storm surges and rising sea levels.

This is a once-in-a-generation opportunity for the Bay Area to come together to protect our region’s most precious natural resource.

Measure AA is a $12 per year parcel tax–a tax on each piece of property in the nine counties surrounding San Francisco Bay. The tax is expected to result in matching funds from the California and federal governments. Measure AA needs a 2/3 yes vote to win.

Measure AA will be on your ballot if you vote in Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, Napa, San Mateo, San Francisco, Santa Clara, Solano, and Sonoma counties. Remember to vote on June 7, and vote Yes on AA!