In June, the California Fish & Game Commission took the first step to list the Bay’s White Sturgeon as threatened under the California Endangered Species Act (CESA), granting full protections under CESA until the Fish and Wildlife Department completes a status review for this imperiled population. Following that decision—a response to a petition submitted by Baykeeper and our colleague organizations—the Commission approved catch-and-release only fishing for White Sturgeon starting October 1.
California’s fishing sector has been hard hit in recent years. Plummeting populations of native fish—a result of decades of disastrous water mismanagement—have left fewer and fewer opportunities for both commercial and recreational fisherfolk. Boat captains, fishing guides, bait and tackle stores, marinas, and other businesses rely on sportfishing to remain open. That’s why we partnered with allies to encourage the Commission to approve catch-and-release fishing for the White Sturgeon while the CESA review is underway.
People can enjoy catch-and-release fishing without endangering the Bay’s White Sturgeon population because research shows that, unlike some other fish, White Sturgeon survive being caught as long as they are quickly released. And in our view, these experiences can inspire people to protect these amazing fish for our next generation. As the California Department of Fish & Wildlife put it, “catching a sturgeon, being able to see one up close, and watching it swim away to contribute to future generations is a really unique and humbling experience.”
We applaud the Commission’s decision to support catch-and-release fishing for White Sturgeon and urge the agency to grant permanent protections to this ancient fish!
Send a letter to the California Fish & Game Commission encouraging the agency to officially list the Bay’s White Sturgeon under the state’s Endangered Species Act: