URGENT: We're ready to fight for the Bay—are you?

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Sea Level Rise and Shoreline Contamination Regional Workshop

Community Leaders and Government Officials to Discuss the Threat of

Sea Level and Groundwater Rise to Contaminated Sites around San Francisco Bay


WHEN:            Wednesday December 8th and Thursday December 9th 2021

                        3:30-6:00PM (PST)


WHERE:           ZOOM Registration Link: www.bit.ly/SLR-Contamination

ZOOM Meeting Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/s/83611306811

Meeting ID: 836 1130 6811


WHAT: Groundbreaking, timely two-day workshop on the threat of sea level and groundwater rise to radioactive and hazardous waste contamination sites in low-income, working class and communities of color around the San Francisco Bay.


The regional workshop was initiated by Greenaction for Health and Environmental Justice and   

other environmental justice and environmental groups along with leading academic experts, and local, regional, and state government agencies.


The latest sea level rise projections from the California Coastal Commission are up to 1.0 foot

by 2030 and up to 7.6 feet by 2100. This workshop was initiated by community organizations concerned about government agencies’ failure to use the government’s own sea level rise projections in their remediation/clean-up plans at contamination sites in vulnerable communities along the San Francisco Bay shoreline. For example, residents of Bayview Hunters Point are alarmed by the government’s plan to leave some atomic bomb waste and other dangerous contamination buried and capped at sea level at the Hunters Point Naval Shipyard Superfund Site, where it likely will eventually be inundated by sea level and groundwater rise and spread into the community and Bay.


This workshop features presentations on the latest sea level rise projections and groundwater rise impacts to contaminated sites; a panel with frontline community leaders from Bayview Hunters Point, Marin City, West Oakland, and Richmond; and a round table discussion between government officials and community leaders on next steps to address this critical issue.
