URGENT: We're ready to fight for the Bay—are you?

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SF Dumps Millions of Gallons of Sewage During Big Storms. Surfers Say That Needs to Stop

Nina Atkind loves surfing, but she’s also a detective of sorts. During storms — like the massive systems that recently rocked the Bay Area — she cloaks herself in an apple-red rain jacket and pulls up her tan gaiters before wading out into the swirling water at San Francisco’s Ocean Beach.

During one recent storm in mid-December, Atkind dips a glass jar into the ocean as angry waves crash against the beach, frothy brown rollers pushing up towards the dunes at Vincente Street. The jar fills with the cloudy water, and she screws on a black cap.

“It looks yucky with a bunch of debris,” Atkind said on a recent storm day in December. “I see microplastic in there.”

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