There’s a lot of dread in the air right now. The future feels uncertain for our waters, public lands, climate, and more. Friends and family will gather next week, and we may sit across a holiday table from loved ones who don’t agree. I understand the anxiety, and I appreciate the traditional wisdom: take calming breaths, do what brings you joy, be grateful for little things, and give back to your community.
I also find myself reflecting on the lyrics of that old gospel song that goes: “This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine.” It was adopted by the civil rights movement as a song of resilience, and it echoes the teachings of South Asian philosophy that instruct us each to be our own light. That message is resonating for me now more than ever. I believe our lights shine the brightest when we’re self-aware, authentic, and living in the present moment.
In times of darkness, each of us can harness our inner light and share it with the world.
My inner light is fed by many passions. I’m nourished by my family, friends, and my pup, Jazzy. Painting, baking, and dance also help me beam. And I’m incredibly fortunate that my work is a powerful source of light. Our mission to defend the Bay inspires me to get out of bed every morning. Every win, no matter how small, helps me shine a bit brighter.
And when we have a big one—like our recent win over Valero—I’m positively radiant! Our groundbreaking victory compelled the oil giant to stop dumping toxic petroleum coke into the Bay, overhaul its operations at the Port of Benicia, and grant millions of dollars to support Bay Area grassroots environmental organizations.
This success glows so brightly because it represents the things that makes Baykeeper unique: concerned residents calling our pollution hotline, our investigators using drones to catch the polluters red-handed, and our lawyers persisting through two years of legal action to win!
Our lawsuit enforced the federal Clean Water Act, which has always been core to our legal strategy. But this time, we also brought state environmental laws into play. That means that no matter what happens with federal environmental rollbacks in the coming four years, we’ve still got effective ways to help us protect the Bay and the Bay Area community.
Whenever I pause to appreciate our wins and the team of experts who make them happen, it helps me realize what’s important. We shine when we’re present and focus on where we can make a difference. Our light is stronger when it’s amplified by our community partners. And our path is even more brightly lit with you by our side.
This season, even during the darkest moments, I hope you’ll find your inner light—and wherever you go, you’ll let it shine bright.
Immensely grateful for you,