Photo: Robb Most

Our work

Baykeeper uses science, advocacy, and law to hold polluters accountable and stop destructive activities in San Francisco Bay and throughout its watershed.


For over 30 years we’ve patrolled the Bay, stood up to polluters, and defended the Bay from major threats.

Investigating Pollution

Baykeeper is the only organization that regularly patrols San Francisco Bay, by boat and by air, to investigate pollution.

Stopping Polluters

Baykeeper stops polluters by enforcing the Clean Water Act as well as numerous other laws that protect the Bay and its people.

Strengthening Laws

Baykeeper advocates for government agencies to adopt stronger, enforceable laws that will create real protections for the Bay and its watershed.

Fighting for Healthy Communities

Baykeeper promotes environmental health, supports our local communities, and advances equity and justice around the Bay Area.

Defending Nature and Climate

Baykeeper protects the Bay's shoreline, vibrant wetlands, and the fresh water from rivers that flow into the Bay to maintain a vital ecosystem that both people and wildlife depend on—especially in the face of sea level rise, extreme flooding, and drought caused by climate change.

Breaking: US EPA and State of California Join Our Fight to Hold SFPUC Accountable
Making Waves at 35: Rewilding the Bay's Shoreline
State Must Stop Killing Federally Protected Salmon and Steelhead
Making Waves at 35: Sick of Sewage
Join us to hold polluters accountable and defend the Bay DONATE NOW >