URGENT: We're ready to fight for the Bay—are you?

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Eighty Groups Demand Gov. Newsom Set Nation-Leading Clean Car Standard


SACRAMENTO, Calif.— More than 80 environmental and justice organizations—incuding San Francisco Baykeeper, Center for Biodiversity, and Communities for a Better Environment—delivered a letter to California Gov. Gavin Newsom today urging him to strengthen the state’s clean car regulations. The letter comes ahead of Newsom’s State of the State address Tuesday, in which he’s expected to outline his top priorities.

Historically California has been the nationwide leader on setting strong emissions standards, but the state is at risk of losing this mantle. Under the current draft of California’s clean cars rule the state aims to reach 61% electric vehicle sales by 2030 — only a modest improvement over the Biden administration’s goal of making 50% of new vehicle sales electric by 2030.

The letter calls on the governor to direct the California Air Resources Board (CARB) to set a much tougher target to curb emissions in California and ensure an equitable transition to electric vehicles. CARB will finalize the regulation later this year.

The letter also demands that the board make automakers sell a higher percentage of electric vehicles in the next several years and require steep pollution cuts from gas-powered cars in the meantime. It also calls on the board to promote good jobs in clean transportation and incorporate mandatory equity commitments to ensure that communities most affected by pollution reap the benefits from electric vehicles.





1. 350 Bay Area

2. 350 Conejo / San Fernando Valley

3. 350 East Bay

4. 350 Humboldt

5. 350 Santa Barbara

6. 350 Silicon Valley

7. Acterra: Action for a Healthy Planet

8. Active San Gabriel Valley

9. Alameda County Interfaith Climate Action Network

10. Albany Climate Action Coalition

11. Alliance of Nurses for Healthy Environments

12. Berkeley Electrification Working Group

13. California Democratic Party Environmental Caucus

14. California Environmental Justice Alliance

15. California Interfaith Power & Light

16. California Nurses for Environmental Health and Justice

17. Center for Community Action and Environmental Justice

18. Center for Biological Diversity

19. Center for Climate Change and Health

20. Center on Race, Poverty & the Environment

21. Central California Asthma Collaborative

22. Central California Environmental Justice Network

23. Charge Across Town

24. Climate Action Now

25. Climate Hawks Vote

26. Climate Health Now

27. Climate Reality Project-Los Angeles Chapter

28. Climate Reality Project, Orange County Chapter

29. Climate Reality Project, Silicon Valley

30. Climate Reality, San Fernando Valley Chapter

31. Coltura

32. Communities for a Better Environment

33. Corporate Ethics International

34. Earth Action, Inc.

35. Ecology Center

36. Elders Climate Action

37. Elders Climate Action – Southern California

38. Elected Officials to Protect America

39. Endangered Habitats League

40. Environmental Justice Advocates, First Unitarian Church of Oakland

41. Environmental Protection Information Center- EPIC

42. EVHybridNoire

43. Food & Water Watch

44. Fresnans against Fracking

45. Friends of the Earth

46. Greenpeace USA

47. Indivisible Ross Valley

48. Indivisible San Francisco

49. Indivisible San Jose

50. Indivisible South Bay LA

51. Labor Network for Sustainability

52. Let’s Green CA!

53. Long Beach 350

54. Long Beach Gray Panthers

55. Marin Interfaith Climate Action

56. Movement Rights

57. Northern California Solar Energy Association

58. Novasutras

59. Oil and Gas Action Network

60. Pacific Environment

61. Palms To Pines Democratic Network

62. Physicians for Social Responsibility-Los Angeles

63. Resource Renewal Institute

64. Sacramento Climate Coalition

65. San Francisco Bay Physicians for Social Responsibility

66. San Francisco Baykeeper

67. SanDiego350

68. Santa Barbara County Action Network

69. Santa Barbara Standing Rock Coalition

70. Santa Cruz Climate Action Network

71. Sequoia ForestKeeper®

72. SoCal 350 Climate Action

73. Stand.earth

74. Sunflower Alliance

75. Surfrider Foundation

76. Sustainable Mill Valley

77. The Climate Center

78. The Greenlining Institute

79. West Berkeley Alliance for Clean Air and Safe Jobs

80. Women’s March Santa Barbara

81. ZEV2030