Join San Francisco Baykeeper to protect the Bay from trash by cleaning up in your neighborhood or nearby parks and shorelines. Help stop trash before it reaches the Bay!
Cleanup volunteers help protect San Francisco Bay by picking up trash in your own community — whether it’s on streets, in parks, or along shorelines. Baykeeper will support you with all the tips and tools you need to conduct a safe and effective cleanup.
Help keep San Francisco Bay clean and beautiful by conducting your own trash cleanup. You can make a difference for the Bay and wildlife by picking up trash in your area. Sign up today and protect the Bay from trash!
Will you join Baykeeper to protect the Bay from trash?
How to Take Action
Step 1. Sign up with Baykeeper. We’ll provide complete instructions for completing a cleanup. Registration is free!
Step 2. Conduct your individual or household cleanup. See below for instructions, safety guidelines, and location options.
Step 3. Tell us about your cleanup. The data you submit supports our long-term advocacy to stop trash in San Francisco Bay. Fill out our trash reporting form, and post on Instagram or Facebook using the tag #trashfreebay.
Where to go for your cleanup
Choose a Bay shoreline, beach, creek, park, storm drain, or city street near you that is open to the public. Note that since these cleanups are self-directed, you will be responsible for disposing of collected trash at your residence.
To the right is a map of some of our favorite cleanup locations. Please make sure to check if your chosen location is open to the public before heading to your cleanup site.
Why your support is important
Trash pollutes the Bay and can entangle or poison wildlife. Single-use items like plastic bags, takeout containers, and masks litter shorelines. Plastic waste breaks down into microplastics that pollute the Bay and ocean.
How to track your trash
Fill out this form to share details of where, how much, and what kind of trash you collected. You can also add a photo to show us how it went! Post your photos to social media using the hashtag #trashfreebay.
What to plan for your cleanup kit
- Gloves and hand sanitizer
- Grabbers or tongs
- Sturdy trash bags
- Snacks and plenty of water
- Sunscreen and sunglasses and/or hat
- Sturdy close-toed shoes and clothes you don’t mind getting dirty
- Leave no trace. Since you’re organizing your own cleanup, you’ll be responsible for disposing of the trash you collect. Don’t overfill public trash bins, and plan ahead to bring trash home with you to dispose of at your residence.
safety Precautions & Planning
- Wear gloves and use a grabber or tongs to pick up trash. Don’t pick up syringes or other sharp objects, dead animals, or human waste.
- Separate hazardous waste like batteries and paint, and take them to a hazardous waste dropoff center
- Dispose of or wash your gloves and thoroughly wash/sanitize your hands after the cleanup.
- Looking to organize a group cleanup of more than 10 people at a public park? Be sure to check requirements for group activities and contact park officials in advance for approval.
Share and inspire our community
Show us how you’re protecting the Bay from trash pollution by posting a photo, story, or video and tagging us on Facebook or Instagram with the hashtags #beachcleanup #sfbaykeeper.
Thank You to our Clean Bay Challenge Participants for Earth Month 2024
Over 130 volunteers participated in the 2024 Clean Bay Challenge and cleaned up more than 1,200 pounds of trash! We’re grateful for the hard work of everyone who helped protect the Bay from trash pollution. Your efforts prevented trash from harming wildlife, communities, and water quality.
Thank You to our 2024 Clean Bay Challenge Sponsors

Liability Waiver
By participating you understand and agree that neither San Francisco Baykeeper nor associated jurisdictions may be held liable or responsible in any way for any injury, death, or other damages to you or your family, heirs, or assigns that may occur as a result of your participation, or as a result of product liability or the negligence, whether passive or active, of any party in connection with the cleanups.