Promising Advances for Salmon in the Bay Watershed

Dec 20, 2010

Although the number of salmon spawning in local creeks has dropped precipitiously over the past several years, this season there is some good news for these migrating fish. The San Francisco Chronicle reports that biologists have counted greater numbers of endangered wild coho salmon returning to western Marin County and laying eggs in greater numbers than have been seen during the past three years – 55 coho and 30 egg nests were identified in the San Geronimo Valley in the past week, with hopes that more fish will arrive this winter. Read the full article here:

Across the Bay in Brentwood, a fish ladder designed to help returning chinook salmon navigate over a cement barrier in Marsh Creek has been completed after 10 years of planning. According to the Contra Costa Times, the salmon will be able to circumvent the structure through a series of 12 pools, allowing them to reach their spawning grounds. In recent years, the Sacramento River basin has also experienced a dramatic decline in returning salmon, and it is hoped that the fish ladder will help increase the numbers of fish returning for the fall spawning season. Read more about this project:

The number of chinook and coho salmon returning to spawn in the Bay watershed has plummeted over the last several years. Dams, development and overpumping in the Delta have severely impacted historic salmon spawning habitat and continues to threaten other species as well. Baykeeper has been fighting to protect these fish by opposing increased water diversions in the Delta. Read more about our work to help endangered salmon and smelt.

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